
  1. The Mood Bank will use your name, address, phone number, credit card information, and purchase information ONLY within this business, and does not rent or sell lists to other entities. 
  2. Any unpaid bill may be turned over to a collection agency, if not paid within three months of the due date. 
  3. The use of this product does not constitute a therapist/client relationship. This is not professional counseling and does not guarantee any changes. Any changes that do (or do not) occur, positive or negative, are the full responsibility of the user. 
  4. If your emotional health is unstable, if your symptoms are interfering with day-to-day functioning, or if you are having thoughts of hurting yourself or another, seek professional help and use this product only in conjunction with on-going therapy. 
  5. If your emotional health is unstable, you should have a plan of action to prevent a crisis situation. This plan should include who to call and helpful activities you can participate in. Be sure you have the number of your local crisis agency written down, and use it, or 911, if necessary. 
  6. There are no refunds to your purchases. If a CD you purchased is defective, please return it, and a new one will be sent to you, if it appears to us that it was a recording error. If you choose to purchase the entire set, two collections (or CDs) each month, you cannot choose the order in which they are sent. They will be sent in no particular order. 
  7. This product, including the CD and the insert, is fully protected under copyright laws.