Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What is The Mood Bank?

The Mood Bank is a music therapy project 
which combines music and psychology for you.  
The content is intended to help you achieve a more intentional lifestyle by helping you work on life goals, make personal improvements, or simply change your mood to a more healthy state of mind.

We say we offer MUSIC TO MOTIVATE INTENTIONAL LIVING, because The Mood Bank offers 18 different collections which can be used to enhance your lifestyle: 6 for calming down, 6 to boost moods up, and 6 to promote emotional health.

Each contains valuable material designed to coordinate with each music collection.  The Mood Bank places in your hands accessible strategies and tips which are the accumulation of years of training and experience by family therapists.  The accompanying instrumental Classical music was carefully selected to promote a specific mood or atmosphere for change.  Each piece was recorded by a professional pianist specifically for The Mood Bank.